TAF Abrasive ISO 9000 Certification — TAF ABRASIVES USA - Flap Discs and Industrial Grade Coated Abrasives


At the TAF Abrasivi laboratory, all the raw materials to be used in the production phases are tested with the utmost rigor and there are numerous checks that the products undergo during the production process. All TAF Abrasivi items before being placed on the market are subjected to sample tests. The tests are conducted according to deliberately very strict parameters to ensure that the products shipped to customers are totally reliable even in the case of particularly heavy work. The finished products, after quality controls are stored in a large warehouse, equipped with an air conditioning system that constantly controls temperature and humidity. TAF Abrasivi today has a Quality System that was certified in 1996, according to the ISO 9002 Standards, Certification which in 2003 was renewed in compliance with the “Vision 2000” standard, thus assuming the denomination 9001. All TAF Abrasivi products also comply with the requirements of the European Standards EN 13743 regarding flexible abrasives and EN12413 for rigid abrasives, as well as ANSI B7.1 and all OSHA regulations.


For many years, TAF Abrasivi SPA has achieved ISO 9001 certification for its own Quality System for abrasive tools, design and production. All design, production, quality control and shipment procedures are undertaken to ensure the high quality of both product and service.




TAF products do not contain any hazardous substances. They are carefully tested so that they can be used safely. It is essential however to follow the operating instructions. Particular attention must be paid to maximum operating speeds. It is also essential to ensure that the machine to be used is operating efficiently and is fitted with the appropriate guard. Additionally, the operator should always wear goggles, gloves and suitable clothing.


Store the abrasive materials in dry and ventilated places. The material must be kept away from heat sources and floors. The following conditions are strictly recommended:

Temperature: 15˚ - 25˚C / 59˚ - 77˚F
Relative Humidity: 50-65%